This time, I wrote about Takamori Shinran-Kai(Jodoshinshu Shinran -Kai) at the request of foreigners.
By Eiken Kobai
Translated by Tamaki Fujiwara and supported by Issei Fujiwara
紅楳英顕 書
藤原珠生訳 藤原一生補佐
The doctrinal problems(disputes) of Takamori Shinran-Kai
1.About Takamori Shinran-Kai
It started as Tesshin-kai by Kentetsu Takamori in the spring of 1952 and changed the name to Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai in September 1958.
Kentetsu Takamori was born in a temple in Jodo-Shinshu sect in Takaoka city, Toyama prefecture in 1929. He got licensed as a Jodo Shinshu reverend in 1947 but left the sect in 1970.
2.The doctrinal problems of Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai(Takamori Shinran-Kai)
2-1. Ichinenkakuchisetsu(一念覚知説)
Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai exhorts the Ichinenkakuchisetsu; it is a must to know when you receive the shinjin.
There are two types of conversion: sudden conversion and gradual conversion. So that it is wrong what the Ichinenkakuchisetsu argues.
2-2. Depend on Zenchishiki(善知識)
Rev. Takamori is the only one you can receive the shinjin from so that you have to fully depend on him to receive it.
There are others who you can receive the shinjin from but more importantly, the shinjin is what you receive from Amida Buddha not from Rev.Takamori. So that the argument of Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-kai:Rev.Takamori is the only one you can get the shinjin from is wrong.
2-3. Honzonron(本尊論)
Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai designates only the Rokuji Myogo of Namu Amida Buddha as its principal image and does not allow the wooden or painted statue.
Rennyo shonin treated the Myogo as Jodo-Shinshu’s principal image and ranked it on top, painted statue to the second, the wooden statue to the third (Goichidaiki Kikigaki66).
However, there is a Ikkou-sanzon model bronze statue of Amida Buddha(一光三尊阿弥陀如来像) placed and worshipped at Senjuji Nyoraido(専修寺如来堂) where Shinran Shonin once lived in Takada, Tochigi prefecture; Amida Buddha is on the center, Kannon Bodhisattva is on the right, and Seishi Bodhisattva is on the left sharing one halo. Also, many of wooden and painted statues are still existed that Rennyo Shonin gave to the Jodo-Shinshu followers. Therefore all types of Honzon(本尊) are equally important and treated evenly.
2-4. Syukuzenron(宿善論)
Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai teaches the followers to do good deeds(Shukuzen宿善) to get the shinjin; Listening the dharma talk of Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai (Chomon聴聞), spread the teaching of Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai and consider own teaching the only truth and deny other teaching (Haja Kensyo破邪顕正), donation to Jodo-Shinshu Shinran-Kai (Zaise財施).
The shinjin in Jodo-Shinshu is what you receive from Amida Buddha(他力回向) so that doing good deeds to get the shinjin is against the teaching of Jodo-Shinshu. Listening of dharma talk is also important in Jodo-shinshu but limiting what to listen and denying other teachings is wrong. Especially including donation in good deeds is a huge mistake. Shinran Shonin and Rennyo Shonin showed appreciation for donation in their writings but did not mention it will be a good deed to get the shinjin.
入信のパターンには突然的回心(Sudden conversion)と漸次的回心(Gradual conversion)の二つがあり、必ずわからなければならないとするのは間違いである。
信心決定の人は高森氏以外にもいるのであり、また信心は如来よりたまわるのであり、高森氏からたまわるものではない。 高森氏以外からは信心は得られないというのは間違いである。